Thursday, March 13, 2008


2 weeks of my attachment has already passed. My 1st week in the polyclinic was enjoyable.. im even considering to join them after getting a few years of experience in the wards. Not really due to the reason that i get public hols like everyone does or getting normal working hours. Simply because i get to talk more to my patients especially in the treatment as compared to the wards. I hardly see or actually dont even see the staff nurses talking to patients etc due to the load of the paper work and even ending up doing ot which can last till abt a few hrs? So much for the holistic care the lecturers would always say.Well at least i know at the polyclinic im able to do so, which seems more meaningful and the reason why i even ended up in the course despite being so routine. oh well i shall see how things go..

Back in the wards i feel incompetent as compared to the ite students who are also yr 1. . Though the things that we learn and focus are different and they already have 6mths of attachment while i have 6 weeks of it(well including this posting), i cant help but feel that way although i know this isn't the way to compare.

Andy and one of the CI talked to us abt the PRCP, signing up for a bond and also how yr 2 is gonna be a struggle? Hope im able to cramp everything in when im in yr 2 so i wont have to struggle that much during the PRCP in yr 3. Hopefully i can pass if not it will be a few months later before i can be considered a registered nurse.

Gotta search the medications my bed 14 takes for my case study..

drop dead.. im cold..brrr...


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