Saturday, October 27, 2007


400m race 3rd place.

before her 4x4m race..

2nd for 4x4m race

hmm the pic arent really clear as i was using my handphone to take the pictures.. anyway proud that my sis manage to win her medals even with an injury.. (= a tinge of disappointment that we didn't have dinner together to celebrate but doesn't matter. There is still time to celebrate..hehee.

Been rather moody these few days. Probably due to the lack of sleep and getting headaches which last throughout the whole day when it comes. Lots of things weighing down in my mind, giving myself maybe too much pressure, maybe i'm still yearning for something. Something which i probably yearn for constantly and over the past few years... Or maybe i didnt appreciate it, didn't notice or realise.. Like the chinese phrase shen zai fu zhong bu zhi fu..

The post which i blog lately all sound so emo.. Probably shall stop blogging for time being or post less emo stuff. My poor readers... hahaa.


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