My WorLd

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Her wants..

The weather is extremely hot till she is having a headache.. It has been further made worse after trying to read up a journal article for FYP. She feels that she function better in the night so she would most prolly leave it till then. But then again, she has got to wake up early tomorrow for training. She's pretty tired of training as it is taking up too much of her time and energy. She wants to do it at her own time and pace.

She wants to catch the movie x-men but everyone around her has already caught the movie. Plus she is too busy to do so too..

There is a new handphone that looks super nice and she is eyeing on it. Samsung ultra touch... She's contemplating if she should get a new bag pack..

Many thoughts but blank.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Was pretty surprised with the number of freshies whom had turned for on wed for the orientation. Now i'm just waiting for the number of people who will be joining and would eventually stay on.. I'm definitely glad that club crawl has finally ended.

I can't really make out if yr 3's work load is madness or my cca. But i definitely do know that i'm going crazy. lol

She needs her sleep but everyone is lying on her bed which is irritating her as she wants to sleep now.

swine flu